Your heart is the engine that drives you. You should spend even more time and effort taking care of your heart than you do taking care of the engine on your car. If there are issues with the arterial system connected to the heart there is trouble with every organ in the body. Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) underlies the leading cause of death in the US.

Healthy Potentials LLC was created to provide medical consulting and health coaching strategies to people who are healthy and want to stay that way, as well as to people who are at the beginning stages of cardiovascular health issues. We work directly with individual clients as well as with small business owners and entrepreneurs who want helpful guidance to keep them, their families, and their employees happy and healthy.

Our membership program has three points of service, and they are as easy to understand as the ABCs. Let us present to you the value of each of those three points here.


“A” is for assessment and appraisal

Healthy Potentials LLC is committed to the prevention of arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). Since arteries support all organs of the body, disease of the arterial system affects critical organs like the heart and brain. The best way to prevent the development of this disease and its sequelae (heart attack, stroke, etc.) is to have a good grasp of who you are and where you are in your own lifestyle; your personal risks of disease.. So we help you to complete several health risk assessment questionnaires to calculate the stage you are at today in terms of your heart and vascular health.

There are times when you are asked to fill out a questionnaire for some other purpose and it seems like a time filler or waste of time. You don’t understand the value of what you are doing. You realize that it was done only to capture your email address. But the Healthy Potentials risk assessment questionnaires are completed with us after you join, and are pointed directly at who you are, where you have been and where you are going. 

We help you fill in the questions in an honest and forthright manner. Do you smoke? Have you smoked? What are your eating habits? Are you physically active? Is there something preventing you from being physically active? These are all considerations that will guide our professionals in creating a program that will serve your body’s needs today and going forward. .

We will also ask you about your family’s medical history. We have all seen our siblings, parents or grandparents experience health issues, and it is natural to wonder if those issues are familial or even genetic and will be a concern for you personally some day. We can let you know if the ailment suffered by your father or grandfather or your siblings is something for you to pay special attention to. Examples of questions on the questionnaire can be found here.


“B” is for Biometrics

“Biometrics” means biological measurements. We are going to want to see where you are physically in order to prepare the best strategy for your health going forward. 

Combining answers about your willingness to maintain or improve your heart health with a careful review of your current physical status provides the clearest possible picture of where you are and where you want to be physically. 

Beyond outward physical measurements, our blood work is specifically conducted to provide as much information as possible about your cholesterol levels, your blood sugar levels, and other vital measures that tell us a rather complete story about your current early arteriosclerotic status. This disease begins in childhood.

People who have been under care and treatment for cardiovascular concerns may already have some of the equipment necessary to take blood pressure, or calculate your BMI. or you may have a previous report from a physician on blood work. We can use that information to compare with our specific fresh physical or laboratory results. We can help you with recommendations to ensure that the measurements are trending in the best direction and that they are being interpreted in the most meaningful and actionable way possible.

Information about the measurements we take and their purpose can be found here.



“C” is for change

We work with individuals with an obvious readiness for change. This includes anyone with concerns about heart attack or stroke, including private individuals, or even small business owners (who sometimes tend to ignore their health status if uninsured), with the goal of preventing heart disease. These may be fully healthy individuals or those who might have already moved along the spectrum towards ASCVD concerns. We help them understand their risks of ASCVD and then set up their lifestyle planning for improving and then monitoring their cardiovascular health. 

Our membership program is designed to provide ongoing medical consulting and health coaching strategies to our members. Our strategies are individualized, because your heart health story is unique to who you are, where you have been, and where you are going.

If we determine that you are fully healthy, we will help you stay that way as much as possible. But if you are determined to be at a stage of ASCVD development, we will provide you with the guidance you need to reduce confusion and improve your cardiovascular health and overall well-being. 

In a basic sense, there are two types of clients we deal with. There are the self-starters who want to actively pursue a program of healthy lifestyle choices or want to be proactive in caring for their current condition. Then there are those who need a push, who need someone to encourage tight goals and provide ongoing support in order to improve their situation. We offer coaching strategies for both types of individuals.

We do not replace your medical care providers. But our Healthy Potentials programs differentiate greatly from very busy primary care clinics and other clinical health services. We can take the time with you to drill down on these leading causes of death, to answer your questions and be very proactive. We want to improve your situation or prevent a disease situation from happening. We are focused on our individual clients in a way other services may not be able to do. 

For more information about the changes we might suggest in your lifestyle going forward, read this.


Give us a call

If you have reason to be concerned about your heart health, whether it is due to family history or some recent signal from your body, please give us a call. 

If you are on the ASCVD spectrum and want to do as much as you possibly can to avoid long-term issues give us a call.

We are in business to help prevent or improve the risks of ASCVD. That’s what we do. Let us do that for you.

You may select a Membership here or book a call here.

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