Photo: jeffdjevdet/flickr

Photo: jeffdjevdet/flickr

Here we are in late January and, if you’re like me, your New Year’s resolution is already on the back burner. Maybe the passion to lose weight was fueled by an over-abundance of Christmas cookies. It’s possible your commitment to stop smoking was in direct relation to your hatred of cold winter weather. No matter the goal, you’ll go no where without ongoing motivation.

We’ve all heard the advice, “start small” or “set mini-goals.” but they just lead us to fun-sized results. Yes, every journey begins with the first steps (and every other cliche you’ve heard about journeys and destination). I just tend to set myself out on long journeys and feel prone to stopping when my feet get tired. What I need along the way is a boost.

In a 5K, it’s that person standing off to the side yelling, “You’re doing great! You’re almost at the finish line!” On the scale, it’s that number going down or someone saying, “You look great!” The problem is that some goals don’t have easily definable finish lines or outside appearance changes for others to notice. Then what? The motivation has to come from within you. Here’s where I stumble.

The good news is that, for a limited time, My Healthy Potential is offering a free eBook titled, How to Get Motivated. It’s literally filled with tips and strategies for getting and staying motivated while you work to reach your goals. We’d love to deliver it to your inbox because we want you to succeed!

All you have to go is sign up for our free Lite Plan, which gives you access to our blogs, monthly newsletter, and other free resources. Once you enter your email, we’ll send you the eBook as our thanks for signing up. We know you can reach your goals. Everyone just needs the right tools!

My biggest goal for 2016? To run that 5K without stopping to walk. Now share yours in the comments!

Photo: jeffdjevdet/flickr

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