Hello. My name is Dr. Thomas R Bender. I began my medical career 50 years ago in Philadelphia. There is an often-quoted axiom attributed to Benjamin Franklin (an earlier Philadelphia transplant). His idea that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is as true today as it was when Franklin made the statement.

As a specialist in Preventive Medicine, I have spent my professional life studying how to lower health risks in communities and in individual patients. I’ve used many methods to help folks remain well, and to teach them how to live a longer, healthier life, and this work has lead me to systemize for you online, many of the components that make up a useful system for prevention.

Our new website, MyHealthyPotential.com, arises from a long-time dream of mine to bring logical methods for improving one’s health to everyone looking for it, in an affordable and meaningful manner. My system contains strategies that give you personalized, one-on-one advice for making changes, in steps only large enough for you to handle at one time. The site is your access to useful prevention tactics, put together in an uncommon manner, and made accessible to anyone.

So…as another saying goes, each journey starts with the first step. Are you ready to get started to identify and then lower your risks, and to move closer to reaching your healthiest potential? Learn more about joining now here.

Photo: avrene/flickr

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