Now that you’ve created a plan for what your ideal healthy lifestyle looks like – you are going to need to get family support. Depending on your spouse and the age of your children, this might be a non-issue, but for the majority of busy moms you will need to talk to your family.

Family support is incredibly important

So far, you’ve been busy getting organized and making small changes. You’ve committed to a new way of eating and you’re slowly getting activity in your life. Your decisions will have a huge impact on not only you, but them as well.

This will go easier if you have small children. They probably won’t notice the change too much. This is especially true if you slowly introduce new foods into their diet or substitute ingredients. However, if you’ve got teens or a significant other that is used of your current eating habits — this going to be more difficult. Not impossible, but more difficult.

Remember this – if you are the primary person who is planning the meals, buying the groceries and cooking the food, you are the one who ultimately makes the decision of what comes into the house and what is eaten. Your family isn’t going to starve themselves because they don’t like something. But you can make the transition easier for them in several different ways.

family support, healthy lifestyle

Photo: USDAgov on Flickr

6 ways to get your family on board

1. Do the work and prepare the food 

For vegetables, you’ll need to wash and cut them up and put them in snack bags in the fridge. Make fruit visible by putting it in a bowl on the table or counter. By doing these two things you are making them visible and easy to grab and go.

2. Slowly change to healthier options

There are a several foods that you can substitute slowly. Try a “half-and-half” strategy when possible. Pasta is a great example. Cook half regular pasta and half whole wheat.

3. Share feelings and help each other through the struggles

Your family members might surprise you and decide that they will not only help you, but want to eat healthier, as well. Be open about the struggles, support each other through the process, and celebrate the accomplishments!

4. Get them involved

Pick healthy recipes that your entire family wants to try. If the children are old enough, have them pick a recipe and cook it for everyone. Usually when kids are involved in the process of cooking, they will eat more of it or at least try the food.

5. Hold a contest

Challenge each other! Whoever drinks the most water for the day, eats more servings of vegetables, or gets in the most steps wins a surprise!

The reward could be a small gift card, book, ear buds, or an outing. Just make sure the surprise is NOT food-related.

6. Figure out what they are willing to do

Learn what they are willing to do. Maybe they don’t want to give up ice cream at night, but they are willing to pick a different ice cream that has fewer calories or change to sorbet instead. Little changes make a big difference!

That’s it for today! Make sure you’re drinking water and exercising today. Every small choice you make counts towards a healthier you.

You’re awesome for continuing on in your journey towards better health! Have you checked out some of our fantastic resources on things like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar

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