Yesterday you set your goals and why they are important to you. Now you need to know what your ideal healthy lifestyle is going to look like in the future. While this challenge will help you decide on goals and achieve them – you still need to know a few things in order to get to where you want to be.

Put on your future googles

Most people have thought about what their ideal lifestyle will be in the future. What food are you eating? Have you cut out sugar? Did you take out preservatives? Did you decide to become a vegan?

There are lots of options. Some of them may fit you and your family – while others simply won’t. That’s okay. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all type of challenge.

Today you are going to figure out what you want your future lifestyle diet to be. Not “diet” in the sense of food limitations and calorie counting. We’re talking about the overall diet of foods you eat.

You want to do this to have a guideline of what to work towards. Without knowing where you want to go, you’ll never know where to start.

Healthy lifestyle questions to get you thinking

Make sure you write down your answers.

  1. What type of healthy diet lifestyle change do you plan to make?

There are several lifestyles to choose from – Mediterranean Diet, Paleo, Low Carb or maybe you want to eat a healthier. There are also options like taking out processed food, limiting sugar intake or eating only raw food (fruits and vegetables).

Your decisions about your lifestyle today will help you in the days ahead. This information is especially helpful when you learn about changes that need to be made in your pantry and grocery list.

Once you’ve figure out your ideal lifestyle – do some research. Figure out what you’ll eat daily, the treats you’ll enjoy and snacks you’ll be able to indulge in. Most of these diets are not so restrictive they don’t allow dessert or snacks. They just eat them occasionally or prepare them differently.

How do you research your diet? Find cookbooks that are specifically for that lifestyle change. Check out food blogs that talk about healthy food. Join Facebook groups that give resources and recipes. The information is out there. You’ll have to take a few minutes to find it.

  1. Do you want to go cold turkey or slowly change?

Our challenge is to help you slowly introduce new food to your family and make better decisions daily. It’s set up this way, so that you are not overwhelmed with all the information or things you have to change at once.

That doesn’t mean you have to follow this approach. If you’d like to start fresh from the very beginning then that is what is right for your family. Get rid of the old habits and start eating healthy right away.

Changing to a healthy diet overnight is not an easy task and you might run into a lot of challenges – from yourself and your family. If you’re prepared for that and can be strong, then go for it.

salad, healthy eating, health lifestyle

Photo: Alex Ranaldi/flickr

  1. Are you willing to change what is in your fridge and pantry?

Some foods bring back memories and we might not be willing to take them out of our diets. Even thinking about life without getting to eat them is depressing. After all – what about flavor? You’ve got to have flavor, right?

Stop thinking about what you’ll miss and realize there are flavorful recipes out there you haven’t tried yet. Or consider the possibility that you only need to substitute one ingredient of your favorite comfort food to still enjoy it.

Starting any new habit is hard, but if you begin with making your favorite foods off limits you are going to run into problems. Nothing is off-limits. Remember these three things though when you are eating something that isn’t in your ideal healthy lifestyle – moderation, portion size and only as a treat.

If you follow those three tips, you will be able to splurge on your favorite foods and treats once in a while.

You need to ask yourself if you are ready to limit or substitute some foods and make a commitment. You don’t have to all the time or do it overnight – but eventually you’ll be eating more of your ideal healthy lifestyle diet than your current one.

  1. Do you have the proper kitchen appliances for your new lifestyle?

If you’ve decided that juicing is going to be a regular part of your life or that smoothies will help the family adjust – do you have the right equipment for these changes? Both of these ways will get you to use more fruits and vegetables, but in order to stick with your idea it needs to be as easy as possible. Having the right appliances is essential.

Remember that none of these questions have right or wrong answers

Whatever works for your family is the best option for you. Any healthy lifestyle you pick can slowly be introduced to your family. You need to know what you want your diet to look like in the future, so that you can work towards getting you and your family there.

That’s if for today! Figure out what your ideal healthy lifestyle looks like and then figure out the basics for that diet.

You should also be working on your daily exercise, making healthier choices today, and drinking more water. Are they getting easier? Or are you facing challenges at this point?  Fight through the doubt and challenges you are facing. You can do this.

P.S. Tomorrow you’ll learn how to be your biggest cheerleader.  This is essential if you plan to be successful.

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