This Small Changes Challenge is different from all of the other “diets” that you have tried. Why? There are two reasons – the challenge shows you how to make the right decisions and that small daily habits will get you to your goal.

You don’t have to do it all at once if you don’t want to and in fact the challenge encourages you not to. Instead create the habit. Once it becomes habit it won’t be so hard to make the healthy choices.

Learning to eat a healthier diet and get fit is a process. This challenge takes you through that process in small steps, so that you can make better choices about your health.

Here is a quick overview of what we’ll be covering in the next 21 days:

  • Small habits make a big impact
  • Exercise in short bursts
  • Eat better daily

Today we’ll start with something easy, but this one change can make such a significant improvement to your health that it might surprise you. Water. Plain and simple – you need to drink more of it.

Water helps your body is so many ways. Getting the toxins out and hydration are two major ones that you are going to need it to do.

Most people don’t drink enough water in a day.

There are several reasons.

  • They don’t like the taste of water.
  • They don’t want to drink tap water.
  • Some even forget to drink it.

But this isn’t going to be you. You’re going to set yourself up for success in this one area. Think about why you don’t get enough water – because chances are you don’t. Is it for any of the reasons above? Eliminate those reasons.

water bottle, drink water

Photo: Rubbermaid Products/flickr

Tips get you to drink water

1. Buy Water

There are several ways to buy water.  You need to figure out which one is the best for you – 5 gallon jugs, gallon containers or individual bottles,

2. Purify Water

Instead of going to the store every time you need water you could purchase something that will allow you to purify your own water. You have several options to pick from – a pitcher, a faucet water filter mount, or a water bottle with a filter inside.

Purifying your own water will be less expensive than purchasing it on a regular basis and greatly reduce waste.

3. Infuse Water With Flavor

If you don’t like the taste of water than infusing it with a variety of berries and herbs is your best bet to drink water on a regular basis. You can either purchase a water bottle that will infuse it with berries and herbs as you drink or go with a pitcher to infuse it yourself with things like sliced lemons or melon.

4. Carry a Water Bottle

The best way to make sure that you drink enough water is to carry a water bottle everywhere. Fill it up before you leave home and keep a steady supply while you are out. If you like cold water make sure to put ice in it as well.

For a healthier life you need to drink more water. So today your task is to figure out how you can do that and then get it done. Getting enough water might not seem like an important step to take, but it is an essential part of living a healthier lifestyle. Please don’t skip this step.

That’s it for today. Go get your water and enjoy the rest of your afternoon.

P.S. Next you’ll learn the importance of habit.

If you’re not already officially signed up for the challenge, go to our homepage and enter your email address. We’ll send you links to assignments so you can keep making progress! You’ll also get an invitation to our Facebook group where you can connect with us and others who are taking the challenge!

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